Traceability of Waviness with Composite Tests

B. Eng. Philip Jukl

Value for the audience

Erkenntnisgewinn aus aktuellen Forschungsergebnissen zur rückführbaren Ordnungsanalyse bei Wälzprüfungen. Lösungsansätze für den zuverlässigen und vergleichbaren Einsatz der Ordnungsanalyse bei Wälzprüfungen.


Due to the short measurement time, composite tests are often used for in-line measurement during gear production. The focus is increasingly on tooth flank waviness, which can cause unwanted noise in the gear assembly later. Order analysis, e.g. based on Fast Fourier Transformation, is typically used to detect such waviness. The analysis is applied directly to the measurement signal from the composite test itself and, if available, to additional signals such as that from an accelerometer.

In practice, when comparing different devices and systems, the results of the order analysis can vary considerably. This is due to complex mechanical, dynamic and computational reasons.

At present, there is no national or international traceability of the characteristic values of the composite test. Frenco has therefore implemented an internal traceability system for its equipment. This has already been published. It is based on master gears (artefacts) with known deviations. Each device must give the same results after measuring the master gears. The results are stored in long-term statistics.

Master gears with defined tooth flank waviness have now been added to this system. The aim is to ensure that, in the future, devices and systems can be set up in such a way that comparable results can also be obtained for order analysis.


This presentation covers initial experiences and research results.