Evolving Dynamics in the Asia-Pacific Gear and Powertrain Market: An Industry Perspective

Adrianos Georgoussis

Value for the audience

New technologies for processing internal gears, first hand view on the asian markets


The Asia-Pacific region is witnessing significant dynamics in gear and powertrain production, with traditional market hotspots expanding and new ones, such as India, emerging prominently. This presentation outlines our view on the evolving market demands and our approach at both technological and service levels. 


Our research and development (R&D) efforts are mostly market-driven, focusing on aligning with the needs of our clientele and providing innovative solutions to anticipated market requirements. Thus, we continue to innovate in the areas of internal generating grinding and polishing. 


This presentation will also explore our latest R&D achievements and discuss how these updates are designed to keep pace with the evolving needs of, but not limited to, the Asia-Pacific market and customer expectations.